our red wines are made from gamay, the white ones from chardonnay. Festive wines, wines of character, exceptional wines: we vinify some plot cuvees, some wines without added sulphites, fruity wines, wines to be kept… there is something for every taste here ! We are proud of our ecolabels like Terra Vitis, High Environmental Value, or Organic Agriculture !
TERRA VITIS is a wine certification which guarantees the commitment of winegrowers to responsible and sustainable viticulture.
High Environmental Value is the 3rd level (the highest) of environmental certification for wine farms.
Organic farming is a method of producing wines using natural substances and processes.
our grafts are carefully selected and planted. The young vines are then trellised with stakes and wire. Each winter, the vines are pruned by hand. In spring, buds and leaves appear and blossom, then the bunches grow and ripen until the harvest. From March to August, the whole team takes great care of its plots, pampering the soil, the leaves, the bunches… so that every year is a vintage!
once the bunches have been picked by the grape-pickers, we keep them whole (no de-stemming) and fill the concrete vats, according to the tradition of our region. The first fermentation is carried out by yeasts, which transform sugar into alcohol, while the second is called « malo-lactic » and makes the wine silkier and rounder.
the finished wine may be aged in barrels, tuns or vats for several months. Bottling changes the container, but the wine is still alive and, as with us, the passing years make it even better!
Soil: clay and sand
Origin: Saône river’s alluviums
Age: 150 million year Wine’s
characteristics: fruity and peppery
Soil : granit
Origin : slowly cooled lava and rocks erosion
Age : 200 million years
Wine’s characteristics : full-body and spices
Soil : schist (or blue rock)
Origin : lava flowed to the sea
Age : 300 million years
Wine’s characteristics: mineral
Soil : silica
Origin: flintstones and sandstones fragments
Age : 150 million years
Wine’s characteristics : delicacy
Soil : sand
Origin : Saône river’s alluviums
Age : 100 million years
Wine’s characteristics: fruity